| 1. | From upstream , turning clear streams muddy 每条溪几乎都变成浊水溪。 |
| 2. | Towering peaks , vast forests , clear streams and deep valleys make up a wonderland - wuling yuan 峭立的岩峰苍茫的林海秀丽的山溪幽深的洞壑. . |
| 3. | It is celebrated for the five wonders : spectacular peaks , grotesque rocks , secluded valley , clear streams and karst caves 以奇峰怪石幽谷秀水溶洞“五绝”而闻名于世。 |
| 4. | She played with her children , and gathered flowers for them along way , and bathed them in the clear streams , and the sun shone on them 她与她的孩子玩耍,沿路为他们采集花朵,在清澈的溪流中为他们洗澡,阳光温暖地照在他们身上。 |
| 5. | In an area of 120 square kilometres , it s full ol marvellous ridges and peaks , exotic - shaped stones , gushing fountains , flying waterfalls , and clear streams 在全山120平方公里范围内,奇峰叠起,怪石嶙峋,涌泉飞瀑,溪水潺潺。鸟语伴钟鼓,云雾现奇松。 |
| 6. | Setting foot on this piece of land is just like showering in a pure and clear stream . the murmuring of running water is forever a kind of unbroken sweet passion , flowing into your heart 踏进这片土地,就如同沐浴在一条纯净如梦波明香远的清溪之中,潺潺流进你心田的永远是绵远甘醇的情意。 |
| 7. | Setting foot on this piece of land is just like showering in a pure and clear stream . the murmuring of running water is forever a kind of unbroken sweet passion , flowing into your heart 踏进这片土地,就如同沐浴在一条纯净如梦、波明香远的清溪之中,潺潺流进你心田的永远是绵远甘醇的情意。 |
| 8. | Hong da fabric furniture factory , specializing in fabric furniture design and production , is located in the wellknown nature resort nan hai xi qiao , which is famous for its pure , clear streams and beautiful mountains 宏大家具是一家专业从事布艺沙发设计、制造与经营的企业,坐落于山清水秀、人杰地灵的著名旅游胜地? ?南海西樵。 |
| 9. | The musical event of the century held in los angeles in december 1998 remains a popular topic of conversation . like cool , crystal clear streams meandering down a mountain peak through a valley , the uplifting musical scores penetrated our hearts to awaken our innate creativity and infinite love that winter evening 1998年12月在洛杉矶举行的世纪音乐盛会,至今仍让人津津乐道,而那犹如自山巅蜿蜒谷底的碧澈清泉般音乐,更是揭开了我们潜在的创造力与无尽爱力。 |